Hari Buruh 2022: Kita Semua Pekerja, Kita Semua Bersama

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76 Tahun Merdeka, Perbudakan Itu Masih Ada

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Perjuangan Kita untuk #TolakOmnibusLaw

Dear emancipators…
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Slavery Footprint

What happens if you are one of them?

Slavery Still Exist

Its victims are everywhere and very close to us.

Indonesian Female Migrant Workers (TKW)

Slavery may be a word that sounds ancient, but in fact slavery still exists with a new term, which is modern slavery.

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Because no one is less human than anyone.

Margianta SJD as one of the participant in the students opposing slavery summit in Washington D.C.

Who is Emancipate Indonesia?

Emancipate Indonesia is a non-profit foundation with focus on modern slavery and young workers’ welfare. Emancipate has been De Facto existed and operated since 2017, and now legally registered with at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights with Letter No. AHU-0007698.AH.01.04. Year 2021 about legalization of the legal entity EMANSIPASI MUDA INDONESIA Foundation.

Initiated by youths from cities across Indonesia. Emancipate focuses on modern slavery issues, for it is a follow up initiative from its founder’s participation on Students Opposing Slavery Summit in Washington D.C.

Our Vision

We envision a future of our world free from slavery. A future where the voices of slavery survivors are amplified to empower emancipation against slavery. A future where every supply chain is free from slavery. A future where everyone has a chance to ensure freedom, dignity, and welfare is fulfilled to emancipate the world from slavery. Therefore, our vision sees the importance of every elements in the society, particularly youth as our future frontiers to understand slavery from its earliest signs and take action to fight it.

Our Mission

Our mission is to combat modern slavery and promote young workers’ welfare through youth-led engagements. We achieve thisthrough campaign, research, capacity building and advocacy.

Our Objectives

In our fight against modern slavery, our key objectives are :

  1.  Empowering youth, especially young workers, to be aware and take meaningful actions in supporting fight against modern slavery;
  2. Bridging a constructive engagement between governments, NGOs, private sectors, and academics to tackle modern slavery and young worker issues;
  3. Supporting gender equality, ethical consumption and other awareness-building measures to mitigate slavery footprint in supply chains.

Since 2017, aside from earning some acknowledgments Emancipate Indonesia has done various youth-based engagements, and actively involved on national and regional level forums. Our involvement has impacted hundreds of youth in Indonesia and other countries.

Here are some of our notable milestones:

  • Capacity Building
  • Campaign
  • Research
  • Advocacy

We have conducted capacity buildings about modern slavery for youths ranging from high school to varsity students and young professionals. Some of them are from the networks of ASEAN Youth Organization, Youth Against Slavery Brunei, high schools from Lampung to Yogyakarta, Campaign.com, and Sydney University.
In addition, we have also received some trainings to enrich our method and qualifications. Our trainings are supported by UNICEF, UNIC, ASEAN Secretariat, and ASEAN Foundation

Aside from social media campaigns, we also held public events to help promote our cause. For instance, we held a “Not My Life” movie screening and discussion with US Embassy Jakarta and Oscar-Nominee Director Robert Bilheimer.
We also promote our cause through innovative campaigns, like the fair trade coffee and storytelling fashion scarf on slavery issues we developed with social enterprise Kahanu. Our representative has also been covered in media such as: KBR Radio, CNN Indonesia, Ultimagz, Go Girl, Kumparan, Magdalene, Jakarta Globe.

In 2019, we launched a report titled “Young Workers and Work Life Balance: An Analytical Study”. This report was composed from a survey we took with hundreds of young workers, dominantly from private sector, to uncover young workers’ struggle in their workplace.
Our report has been brought to UNICEF Leading Minds Conference in Italy, and to meetings with government stakeholders such as BAPPENAS to advocate for young workers’ mental wellbeing and basic welfare. In 2020, we have also contributed to a journal titled “Adolescent Well-Being: A Definition and Conceptual Framework” hat was published on Journal of Adolescent Health. This journal was written by staffs from WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNAIDS, UN Women, etc.

Constructive engagement and meaningful youth participation are at the heart of our advocacy. In 2018, did a cross-sectorial, youth-led discussion on maritime supply chain involving the government, private sector, NGO, and academics. Some of the stakeholders we have been engaged to are BAPPENAS, UNICEF, UN Youth Envoy, Save the Children Denmark, Oxfam Indonesia and Yayasan Plan International Indonesia. We met and worked with these stakeholders on high-level panels and partnerships to advocate for young workers’ wellbeing and welfare.
We have also been the invitees of UNICEF Leading Minds Conference, ASEAN Youth Conference, and ASEAN Community Forum, and One Young World in Den Haag where we voiced our concern in front of stakeholders from many sectors and many countries.

Our Acknowledgements

Top 3 Best Pitch in Youth Empowerment for SDGs Program.
UNIC Jakarta. (2017)
Indonesian CSO Representative for 3rd Rajaratnam Endowment ASEAN
Community Forum. Singapore. (2018)


Inas Mufidatul Insyiroh Menjelang penghabisan bulan Juni kemarin, masyarakat Indonesia dikejutkan dengan kabar memprihatinkan yang beredar di media massa mengenai pengantin pesanan. Pengantin pesanan ini

Rilis pers – Oleh Tim PR Emancipate Indonesia Jakarta, 28 September 2018 – Pemuda dari berbagai organisasi dan komunitas membahas dampak industri rokok dari berbagai

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