According to Global Estimates on Modern Slavery and Child Labour in 2017, modern slavery is an umbrella term that describes situations where an exploited person cannot refuse or leave because of threats, violence, coercion, deception, or abuse of power.
Modern slavery comes in many forms, and it always involve the deprivation of a person’s freedom. Its forms are including but not limited to: forced labour exploitation, forced marriage, forced sexual exploitation, state-imposed forced labour, and even human trafficking where people are literally sold and considered less human than the others.
Above all achievements of development both economically, socially and politically, the issue of modern slavery is still a dark side that hinders the achievement of the development sustainability.
Since it was formed in 2017, Emancipate has just designed a strategic planning that will be done over the next 12 months. Based on the designated plans, Emancipate can draw some relevance of our program to our focus in SDGs. Among them:
Goal 5: Gender Equality
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Emancipate Indonesia is a youth organization initiated by youths from cities across Indonesia. Emancipate focuses on modern slavery issues, for it is a follow up initiative from its founder’s participation on Students Opposing Slavery Summit in Washington D.C.
We envision a future of our world free from slavery. A future where the voices of slavery survivors are amplified to empower emancipation against slavery. A future where every supply chain is free from slavery. A future where everyone has a chance to ensure freedom, dignity, and welfare is fulfilled to emancipate the world from slavery.
Therefore, our vision sees the importance of every elements in the society, particularly youth as our future frontiers to understand slavery from its earliest signs and take action to fight it.
Our mission is to combat modern slavery through youth-based engagements. We achieve this through campaign, data-driven and survivor-centered research, capacity building and advocacy.
In our fight against modern slavery, our key objectives are :
Empowering youth to be aware and take actions in supporting the fight against modern slavery;
Delivering data-driven mapping about modern slavery-related issues;
Helping to empower modern slavery survivors to make their voices heard by stakeholders;
Encouraging ethical consumption and other awareness-building measures to mitigate slavery footprint in supply chains.